Project Team Meeting Agenda Templates

To make a meeting successful, it is very important to follow all the basic tips and guidelines. There are many types of meetings such as general, PTA, business, and project team meetings. Today, we discuss project team meeting agenda tips in this article. As you know, to make a business or an organization successful, it is necessary to grab the millions of projects on its hands. Therefore, the project team meeting is organized by the organization to make a deal that is best for the interest of the business as a whole.

A project team is responsible for the successful planning, implementing, monitoring, controlling, and finishing of a project. It makes project objectives and uses its specialized skills and expertise in order to work as a team and complete its given project. Each member of the project team has specialized skill/s in certain fields that are necessary for the completion of a particular project. A project team as a whole is generally expert in accepting new challenges and taking the responsibility of completing difficult projects successfully. In order to accomplish its goals, the team arranges meetings to discuss what needs to be done for the project as well as to evaluate its past efforts.

Project Team Meeting Agenda Template

Here is a preview of a Free Sample Project Team Meeting Agenda Template created using MS Word,

Team Meeting Agenda Template

Here is the download link for this Project Team Meeting Agenda Template,

Monthly Team Meeting Agenda Template

Here you can download this Monthly Team Meeting Agenda Template in MS Word format.

Weekly Team Meeting Agenda Template

Here you can download this Weekly Team Meeting Agenda Template in MS Word format.


Project Team Meeting Agenda Template

In order to get the desired results from a project team meeting, its agenda should be properly arranged and managed. The following are the main elements of a project team meeting agenda:

  1. Meeting objectives
  2. Project action item reviews from the last meeting
  3. Schedule review minutes
    1. Work completed
    2. Planned work for the next two weeks
  4. Risk management
  5. New action items
  6. Next meeting date and location
  7. Adjourn

List the attendees and the time selected for the meeting at the top of the project team meeting agenda. Before adding the current topic/s to the meeting agenda, start by reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes are a summary of who attended the meeting, what was discussed, and what decisions were made. Look for any agenda topics that meeting participants were assigned to follow up on and include a review of those outstanding issues with updates on their current statuses as a first agenda topic.

After adding the meeting topics, it is important to add a time limit to each topic on the agenda and strictly follow it so that all the topics can be discussed and the meeting can close on time. If meeting attendees are required to prepare reports and/or updates on certain topics prior to the meeting then send out the meeting agendas ahead of time, i.e. one week before the meeting or at least a minimum of two days before the meeting.

Meeting Agenda Templates (Public Domain)

Here is a collection of Free Meeting Agenda Templates available online for download.

Meeting Agenda Template 21
Meeting Agenda Template 21
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Keep in mind that using bullet points in each section of the agenda helps in outlining the important areas of discussion as well as the expected results, which is commonly known as meeting minutes. Moreover, reserve some time in the meeting agenda for meeting participants to bring forward their own project-related issues to discuss in the meeting. At the end of the meeting, a brief review of new outstanding issues allows meeting attendees to remember them. Also, this is the time to announce any other meetings or upcoming deadlines.

The importance of a meeting agenda cannot be denied, therefore, it should be created carefully. Follow the above-mentioned guidelines to create a project team meeting agenda, and save your energy and time.


Project Meeting Agenda Format Guidelines

As a leader of a project meeting, you should make sure that the progress of it is expected or not. The following points will help you to improve the performance and efficiency of the meeting.

Set Clear Objective:

Have you ever organized and attended a meeting that took three hours of your day and, as a result, gave nothing? If yes, then you should know the reason of unsuccessful of it. One of the main causes of this is that there is no clear and proper objective set for a meeting. Therefore, it is very important to first set an objective and then focus on other aspects of it.

Set Project Team Meeting Agenda:

A meeting without an agenda takes long hours without any positive results and also drifts. Therefore, it is mandatory to circulate and produce the agenda properly before the meeting. It should be set before 4 to 5 days of the meeting, not before the one hour. The participants also require time for preparation so that they can perform their best. If you are a leader of your team then it is your responsibility to convey all information about the goal and target of the meeting to all participants on time.

Keep the Papers of the Meeting Short:

A mountain of papers filled with information transferred to all the attendees was not only a waste of resources but also a Cause of de-motivation for the participants. It is better to use MS PowerPoint slides to present your topic or any information to the attendees. You can use a color light to indicate where things are right or wrong like green for the right and red for the wrong. It will help you convey your point of view and thoughts correctly to the attendees.

Make sure the Environment is Comfortable:

As a leader, you should make sure that the environment is comfortable. The venue plays a very important role in the success of the meeting. Therefore, all the things like, projector placement, seat comfort, and lights should be perfect.

Be on Time:

If you want to become successful then you should be punctual. Make sure to start it on time and end it on time. The management of time is the key to success. Therefore, avoid long and useless topic discussions and only focus on the main points that are directly linked to the meeting agenda. The delays can leave a bad impression on the clients and participants as well so, be on time.